Do you enjoy riding your bike? Then join us after the service on February 23rd. A group of bike riders will be cruising together that afternoon, weather permitting. Maybe we will stop along the way and grab a bite to eat.
Come and share with us as Jim directs a topic. This is followed by an extended time of worship and seeking the Lord. We close in prayer. Plan to join us for this focused time of ministering to the Lord. We meet in Havenhouse Hall
Encountering God in Prayer is a 12 hour prayer event. Come anytime and linger as long as you want. There are stations of prayer set up to direct and encourage your individual prayer time. The event is located in the Christian Education Building.
He is Risen! Come and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ this Easter Sunday. We will be gathering on the lawn at Havenhouse for this outdoor event. Dress comfortably and be mindful of the weather. Our children will join us for the service. Afterwards there will be coffee, light refreshments and an egg hunt for […]
Kid’s camp is open to children going into 3rd grade to those leaving 6th grade. Cost is $275. Registration is online and the deadline to register is June 5th. Please see Sue Marshall, Children’s Pastor for more information.