We are pleased to see you want to know more about serving in our congregation. Please fill out the contact form below and we will connect you to the ministry leader. Presently, we are looking for:
Coffee ministry volunteers – serve every other month (about 6 times a year)
Children’s ministry volunteers – serve once a month (about 12 times a year)
We have several areas of service and each one has it own requirements. Most of our volunteer positions are on a monthly rotation and don’t require more than 24 hours a year-some far less. It is important that a volunteer is a committed part of Havenhouse so we would prefer some one that has attended the church 6-12 months before volunteering. This might not be hard and fast for some volunteer positions, but is strictly enforced in others.
The Youth and children’s volunteer ministry positions have the highest standards for those working with children and youth. Even though they do not work 32 volunteer hours a year (ab506), we still require Livescan background checks, application and an interview.
If you are interested in serving, please fill out the contact form or see the ministry head for further information.